
Posted by on Mar 21 2010 | Reviews and Recollections, Songtaneous

The Seussical Team: me with Director Dudley Voight (left) & Choreographer Kalie French (right)

I’m happy to report that Suessical was a success. We did three shows in two days and the kids were amazing. (And I’m not the only one who thought so. *grin*)

Most things went smoothly, but there were some technical issues to overcome in each show. My favorite improvisational moment happened in the third and final show, when due to mic failure, Horton (the Elephant) gave a brief improvised monologue in the middle of the show while director Dudley Voight changed her wireless mic pack. (Talk about being spontaneous!)

All of the kids were so poised and they really knew the show! They remembered their lines and knew their songs and sang their little hearts out. (In other words, they made me look good. *wink*)

Thanks to all of you who came and supported their (and my) efforts. With your help, the show had record-breaking attendance on Friday night.

Saturday was the cast party. We cleaned up the stage, packed up the sound system and chatted about the cast’s moments of glory. All the kids said they wished they could do the show again. And quite of few them told me they would be back next year.

4 comments for now

4 Responses to “Success-ical!”

  1. Jan

    Congratulations, Sarah–this is no small feat! Dudley is an old friend, so it’s fun to see you two working together. Ah, the Circles overlap and the music/theater world is amazingly small.

    Glad to hear the show was so successful on all levels!

    22 Mar 2010 at 7:56 am

  2. @Janis

    Yep, Dudley’s a great boss. She really has the vision that gets all of us to the end. No surprise, you know her. (c;

    Thanks for reading and commenting!


    25 Mar 2010 at 10:28 pm

  3. […] set thoughts of ATWI aside and got busy with a middle-school musical, my Dakota debut and a commitment to do an improv-based show with my friend Mankwe in […]

    24 May 2010 at 11:43 am

  4. […] the month ends, I still have to get (or make?) gifts for some people, audition kids for the next musical, get ready for my second semester teaching and […]

    06 Dec 2010 at 1:14 pm

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